Wednesday, September 8, 2010


Tuesday around 1:00pm I'm sitting in my kitchen eating some delicious Chickfila (a #5, 8 count.. to be exact) when my cell phone starts buzzing.  I look down and it says JT is calling.  I really did not know what to think that this very moment.  I think I even looked away for a split second, then I wondered who would play a terrible joke like this on me. But FINALLY I picked up my phone.  He seems to be doing really well!  He says he is enjoying it but misses home - Not the area, but just the communication with the onces he loves.  He told me some of the drills they have been doing.  He also told me he got in trouble twice right before he was able to call.  He got in trouble for silly things too.. Well, silly to us who are not at basic training.  He said he got in trouble for not standing in the CENTER of the doorway of his TI's office and the second time he messed up his introduction line.  Goodness!  He then went on the say that was one of his first times getting in trouble, so he's doing pretty good!  It was so wonderful to hear his voice!  Supposedly, he is able to call once a week now so I cannot wait til next week to hear that sweet, one of a kind voice again!  I'm still waiting on his first letters though.. Hopefully they'll come tomorrow!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Has it already been a week?

I week ago yesterday, JT left for Lackland, TX.  I cannot believe how fast the first week flew by!  Even though I had something planned everyday, I was expecting it to still go by slow as molasses.  Thankfully it didn't!  Yesterday was Brandon Hall's big day to Lackland - He got there safely and was able to give his mom and Candice his address last night!  I am so thankful both JT and Brandon were able to give out their address the day they got to basic.  Writing JT letters has definitely made the past week easier.  Hopefully I'm not over whelming him with letters though...
It is still an indescribable feeling when I think about him being gone.  Although he isn't physically present, my heart still beats in sync with his every second of the day.  I still get butterflies everytime I think about him and my feet dance just thinking about when I get to be in his arms again :)  It'll be here before we know it!  But until that day, I'll stay busy by finding a job, volunteering, hanging out with friends and family, and most importantly, figuring out where God wants to use me!
Goodnight everyone!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

I'll Be Seeing You!

Yesterday morning JT left for Lackland, TX to start basic training.  What a bitter sweet moment (more sweet than bitter, of course)!  It's amazing to see the man he has become in just the 3 years I have known him.  I know he is going to do an amazing job during basic training!  He said he is looking at it as a big mission trip - There is no room for failure.  He called last night and we talked for a whole 25 seconds! Although it was rushed, it was so great to hear his sweet voice!  I also got his address last night too!  I'm so glad we got his address the first day he arrived because I started writing him letter #1 yesterday - I mailed it today!!  I cannot wait to receive some of his letters and read about his time at basic.

The power of prayer is absolutely amazing!  As time drew closer to JT leaving, I visualized what life would be like the first few weeks he was gone and I was just dreading that time.  Although it is hard and quite lonely at times, I feel more proud and excited for him than anything!  I know I owe this to all of you who have been praying for him and his friends and family!  I know God is holding me in His strong hands tightly during this time!